Friday, February 8, 2019


In the dawn aftermath of the winter storm, tributaries of light pierced through the gray shroud of clouds and the stoic vigil of skeletal boughs and dark green pines of the encompassing boreal trees illuminating sharp, transparent tips and reflective outer edges of icicles, neither thawing nor expanding, suspended for a time in a portent of starlight. A stasis of anything animate or living, the only sound is the ghostly, static rush of restless, invisible wind.

Having transcended those buried deep beneath snowy mounds of the empty labyrinth, beneath an icy, pale blue sky, over the hard and frozen white windswept prairie there tumbled and rattled a singular and startling, dry and delicate, withered autumn leaf.

©2019 by L.P. Van Ness. All rights reserved.

[genre: cosmic fiction]