Friday, October 12, 2018

IX. Vampyre Ghost- ii.

The woven themes of guitar, violin and cello and the rhythmic bass of the rondo were warm and soothing. Prim gently closed his eyes and referenced his legendary photographic memory while awaiting the next chess move. Whether dance clubs, vintage and Goth clothiers, tarot, hookah or the well-known author destinations of booksellers, each doorway of the avenue lead to haunts of adventure and those expressing their uniqueness by remarkable speech that stimulated and expanded the intellect. The remaining walls of the tea parlor were lined from top to bottom with shelves of classic books that were not for sale, for this was also a popular haven where the un-intelligentsia, who sought the truth of their individual paths and held no faith in unproven utopias or the disruption of established paradigms, would gather at round tables encircling aisles of competitive chess squares. Discussions of literature reached beyond the often errant reconstructionism of the moderns elucidating the deeper meanings of authors through a thorough knowledge of period history, biographies and understandings of set symbolism juxtaposed to personal creations through the understanding of their intended usage and precise selection of the proper shades of colour of diction. Prim's beloved Belmont Avenue in Chicago was a magical and inclusive place that welcomed those wise. The doorway's curtains slithered without motion of entry and the rose petal runes rearranged themselves without circulation stirred by any visible personage.

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