Saturday, October 13, 2018

lX. Vampyre Ghost- v.

Snow danced in the golden auras of the north shore gaslights and frost continued to transmogrify into unnamable angles of geometry shaping themselves to the hypnotic rhythms of eldritch melodies beyond the pallid visage and sable shoulder length tresses. Reading the surface of Prim's thoughts, the vampire placed a mind-projection of pleasing abstract canvasses into his consciousness momentarily drawing his attention away from the game. Memory-ghosts encompass you, yet you remain aloof and neither avoid or allow them to impede your movement in the physical dimension. You accept such things and find them not troubling? Sensing the urgency of the immortsl's own Thirst, he calmly took a sip of heartsease tea. Focusing on the otherworldly classical music allowed him to think several moves ahead, for there was still so very much to be learned about this mysterious new Chicago thrall. In anticipation of the progress of the queen's bishop, he advanced queen's rook's pawn to queen's rook's three allowing for the queen's knight's safe return to protect the king. Shifting his gaze towards the ceiling of the now dimly lit tea parlor, he discovered an outspread mass of breathing coarse hair and membranous skin.

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